Graceunlimited Biblical Counselling Privacy Policies

Our website address is:

Graceunlimited Biblical Counselling manages your personal data in the following ways:

This website is hosted with Dreamhost web hosting utilising a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate. You will notice the small lock icon on the left of the address in your browser search bar and the https suffix to the web address. This means that all information sent to or retrieved from this website is encrypted.

The only way you can interact with this website is by clicking the button on the home page to both agree to the biblical counselling agreement and to schedule an online session. This link takes you to Graceulimited Biblical Counselling’s Carepatron scheduling page in order to schedule a session. Carepatron is also an SSL secured website and has a secure app. Any information entered into the Carepatron scheduling page is protected by their HIPAA, HITECH and PPACA compliance and thus POPIA. You can read about Carepatron’s healthcare privacy compliance here.

Graceunlimited Biblical Counselling makes use of Zoom online meetings. You can find Zoom’s privacy policy here.

 Counselling notes are stored on a single password protected computer and/or a single android tablet in a two-factor authentication protected note-taking app, which is backed up to secure cloud storage via separate data encryption software. A secondary encrypted cloud backup is periodically carried out to an encrypted, invisible, password-protected cloud storage bucket with Dream Objects. The counsellor is the only individual who has access to this folder. How the counsellor treats confidentiality is explained in the counselling agreement.


